If you want to buy a vehicle or if you are looking to get a car loan, but happen to be blacklisted, you may feel overwhelmed at first by trying to get approved for vehicle finance. Getting a Car Finance, Personal Finance or Rent to Own a car is not as hard as you think, even if you are blacklisted.
Getting blacklisted or falling into debt and needing assistance in how resolve the situation so that you can get a car is nothing to be ashamed of, many people are in the same situation. This is why we different options to assist you.
Your personal circumstances will determine for which option and what car you will qualify for.
Rent to Own:
Your blacklisted credit history doesn’t have to affect your need to drive a vehicle. The Rent-To-Own program makes getting a quality vehicle available to most customers. In order to qualify for this product you must have a valid driver’s license.
Leased Vehicle Finance:
These days even blacklisted clients or clients with a poor credit history can also apply for leased vehicle finance